
Society members at Welcome Fair

Build friendships and make memories!


One of our most popular services! Societies are like mini communities that bring together students with similar interests. With societies ranging from academic and cultural to music and social, there's something for everyone. Being part of a society is a great way to try something new, make friends for life and open yourself up to many different opportunities. Many students say that their best friends from university were made through a society. Research also shows that students that engage with a society achieve a better degree outcome than students who don't. Run by committees of students, you can even take on a student leader position, making your society everything you want it to be while enhancing your employability. Whether you join a society as a member, get involved in all the behind-the-scenes business as a committee member or start a new society from scratch, you’ll love being part of the society bubble.



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Can't find the one for you? Why not start a new one from scratch!


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